
What’s the deal are you a maker, practitioner, artist, designer or academic?

Classification creates division but it also defines purpose. Placing a committed hand in everything I pursue is my guiding principle. Whether that means hitting the books, conducting user research or dedicating hundreds of hours to learning a new software or code base, I stay up on the latest digital trends and voraciously consume fuel for the creative process.

Innovation has never been easy. Remaining limber and rolling with the punches requires a firm ethos of pragmatism to throw open the door for new possibilities.

—Andrew, 2021




M.A. Media Arts

DePaul University (2021)

B.A. Philosophy

Loyola University Chicago (2010)


Stephens is an interactive designer based in Chicago.

With a background in philosophy (Loyola Chicago ’10) and an advanced degree in media arts (DePaul ‘21), Andrew explores the harmony between graphic design, data visualization and user research.

As a master’s candidate, Stephens worked on a departmental team that developed a cohesive promotional design system for university events. He was awarded a research grant for work on a Speculative Future’s project with advisor LeAnne Wagner.

In the fall of 2021, Andrew moved from the drawing board into the intricacies of enterprise-level product development, at Chicago based market data firm: Numerator–expanding his coding knowledge in data platforms.

Currently, Stephens is continuing work as an experience designer and front end web developer for local small businesses.

Other areas of interest include: photography, digital art, architecture, interior design, philosophy, literature and film, running, swimming and furniture restoration.


Manifest IRL.

For commissions, quotes and collaboration contact H.C. Stephens HERE.



Wood Working

