The Hold Steady: Lyrical Analysis - Print and Web Data Visualizations

Winter 2021 The Hold Steady are a cult band like no other. With some of the most dense lyrics out there, references to pop culture, locations, and recurring themes create an easter egg hunt for fans–many of whom spend countless hours on the internet trying to make sense of the non-sense. The purpose of this visualization was provide context for listeners.

The project began as a static display and quickly morphed into a Vega Lite interactive mouse-over map complimented by dualing line graph and bar charts.

Watch my video break down of the 3-panel gate-fold insert or simply explore the graphic itself through the PDF download.


Vega Lite


Graphic Break-Down



3D Modeling

The past year has been a wild ride of learning new tools and recently I dipped my toe into three-dimensional modeling. Check back for updates or cruise along and explore AutoDesk Maya with me on the @h.c.stephens instagram page for work-in-progress videos.

Excited to grow in this space.

